sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Read and write. two basic things

This is a video that can show the teachers how to teach two of the  basic things for life.


Teaching children has success only if the teacher is a good one because it is very important that the students like a lot their teacher. So, to understand how to avoid being disliked by ones student´s leads me to the question: What are the qualities of a good teacher?

First, it is important that he or she must know the subject he or she teaches. Also, they should know the important new discoveries made in the field every year. Besides, it is essencial that he or she like the sublject. If the teacher enjoy the subject it will be easy to teach even when you are tired.

Second, besides liking his subject a good teacher must also like his students. This is easy when you remeber taht the young have no faults except the very ones they ask you to remove-ignorance and inexpirience. And unless a teacher likes young people in groups, he will never be successful.

In many schools, in all parts of the world , some children may dislike the teacher because he sounds and looks like a person of the middle class.There is no doubt that if  you are going to be a good teacher , you must first choose  your subject carefully and it is essencial that a teacher likes his pupils, and that the knows them as well as possible.