martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


We all teach and we all learn throughout our lives.
Every father and mother do an astonishing amount of teaching.Many of us forget that the relation betwwen parents and children is essentially based on teaching.
But you can love a child very much and it still may be unable to face teh world. The best and surest way to control your chldren is to explain the rules you intend to impose.

Ther are a great many other relationship in ordinary life that depend on teaching and learning.
1. An office, in which little time is wasted,always has a competent manager.And he spends most of his time explainning what he knows should be done and persuading people to do it . A kind of teaching that requires patience and sympathy for the worker.  

2. Doctors can cure sick people by the use of medicines and operations.But they can only keep people wee by teaching them how to live in a haealthy way. The doctor will tell his patient what mistakes he has been making and how to correct them.The wise patient will follow his teaching.  


sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

Read and write. two basic things

This is a video that can show the teachers how to teach two of the  basic things for life.


Teaching children has success only if the teacher is a good one because it is very important that the students like a lot their teacher. So, to understand how to avoid being disliked by ones student´s leads me to the question: What are the qualities of a good teacher?

First, it is important that he or she must know the subject he or she teaches. Also, they should know the important new discoveries made in the field every year. Besides, it is essencial that he or she like the sublject. If the teacher enjoy the subject it will be easy to teach even when you are tired.

Second, besides liking his subject a good teacher must also like his students. This is easy when you remeber taht the young have no faults except the very ones they ask you to remove-ignorance and inexpirience. And unless a teacher likes young people in groups, he will never be successful.

In many schools, in all parts of the world , some children may dislike the teacher because he sounds and looks like a person of the middle class.There is no doubt that if  you are going to be a good teacher , you must first choose  your subject carefully and it is essencial that a teacher likes his pupils, and that the knows them as well as possible.


jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010


This weekend I want to apologize because I didn`t write my blog last weekend but I was very busy with the school activities since it  was the end of  third term. 

On last September 12, we, the students of Calendar A  presented  the ICFES examination. It is supposed that  this exam is the opportunity for showing  what we have learnt. Then when the results are published the students register them at  universities where students have their  own interests  about a career.

Because of that,  I want to tell you about the universities where you can find programs about pedagogy.   Some of them are: Universidad de la Sabana, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Distrital, Universidad Los Libertadores, Universidad Libre, Universidad El Bosque and the best one for these kind of programs Universidad Pedagogica Nacional.  These last two are the ones of my preference.

Here the links about the information of these careers where you can find some information about  the subjects that are taught .

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


My friends on this weekend, I´m going to write about the careers related with Pedagogy in special, the ones of my preference: childhood pedagogy and foreign languages pedagogy.

The first one has as an objective the study of children until eight years. This career proposal is to form very compromised teachers with the integral development of the childhood; To train teachers compromised with the society and the happiness for Colombian children and each one of the children around the world.

The second that it is referred to the processes of learning languages, has as a proposal to train integral women and men for the exercise of teaching and researching whose study´s object is language, basically two: Mother tongue( Spanish) and English and French as Foreign languages, besides the study of literature among others.

I´m very interested on these careers because I feel that I have the vocation to teach and a special feeling for society in special for Colombian childhood. One more reason is the fact that I feel really happy when I teach my friends about any subject that they haven´t understood.

For concluding, I think that our future is based on education. If Colombian people learn what each one has to learn we will reach the development.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010


Well, my friends on this week I keep on thinking about Colombian education which is a very interesting issue. Nowadays, our education is crossing one of the worst moments. Imagine you are walking a long way, suddenly, you find a big hollow and you can´t continue walking, you´ll never arrive, where you want to.

Graduated people from last decade, have been a stage of mediocre persons because the government made the law 230 in which the students could be promoted to next grade without deserve it. They passed the grade although they haven´t obtain the minimum grade. After many years, Government realized that this law didn´t work, because teenagers became quite lazy and when they arrived to the university they couldn´t manage their academic situation and they lost every subjects and of course their investment, so I can say they find not only a hollow but an abysm.

Last year, the government decided to change the law. As a consequence, students had to study hard if they wanted to succeed and nowadays, we are very interested about the studies though no always it is the majority.

For this reason, I think education must be transformed for its beginning, from nursery school and that our children will be the best students around the world.


martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


On this week,we are going to talk about education on the early childhood. According to UNESCO, "Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to eight years old.A time of remarkable brain development,these years lay the foundation for subsequent learning".
Teach to children is a hard work, that includes a big responsability and love by them. At this age, children learn many things like speaking,writting,how to develop physical abilitys and some behaviors rules.
In this ocation, I wanted to share this video named "How to teach kindergarten" because I think that the education must be the best since the begin to have better and in order they be good people in the future.
In adittion, I have always dream : "Everybody must know that been a teacher isn´t an easy work and the pedagogy is the most important labour for the society"

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010


"CHANGING TO IMPROVE" , it´s a new blogg where  you will be able to find information about  Colombian´s education. Her author want to improve the education at kindergardens, at schools in a near future; our children will be the best around the world. I´m convinced that  if we take advantages about education, the students will be  preparated better for the real world and ready to make face all  the situations they  have to live.

Colombia needs to educate honest, optimistic and learned people, in their way of feeling and thinking in order to  they will know how to act and work in their life.

Besides, in this blogg you can see the professional issues about pedagogy and the universities that offers these programs to study.