Teaching children has success only if the teacher is a good one because it is very important that the students like a lot their teacher. So, to understand how to avoid being disliked by ones student´s leads me to the question: What are the qualities of a good teacher?
Second, besides liking his subject a good teacher must also like his students. This is easy when you remeber taht the young have no faults except the very ones they ask you to remove-ignorance and inexpirience. And unless a teacher likes young people in groups, he will never be successful.
In many schools, in all parts of the world , some children may dislike the teacher because he sounds and looks like a person of the middle class.There is no doubt that if you are going to be a good teacher , you must first choose your subject carefully and it is essencial that a teacher likes his pupils, and that the knows them as well as possible.
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